Listo!!! Inauguración 21 de octubre 2009

viernes, 13 de abril de 2007

Nostalgic??? a little maybe...

I don't know why the hell I feel so nostalgic today... I miss "what it used to be" (or what it never was)... who am I kidding??? I guess what I truly miss is: "what could have been."

It's been 1,331 days since I met you... where??? how???, it doesn't matter anymore.
What matters is... I loved you back then... I was completely in love with you. Sadly... you weren't.

I don't know what happened then. I lost you; but I couldn't have lost you If I never had you to beggin with...

The thing is, I promised myself that when I saw you again, I would hug you so tight, you would realize then, that I had missed you more than anyone else would ever do. And I couldn't... I didn't.

All I did was... nothing... NOTHING!!!

I wanted to tell you how happy I was to meet you again... to see how changed you were. I wanted to kiss you and tell you I had never forgotten about you. I wanted to do a lot of things I didn't do.

I know it's too fucking late to go back 4 years from now, I know I don't have you, and I never will, I know you have a new life (and so do I), I know I don't even know you anymore. I KNOW THAT!!!

But I needed to say... I missed you... I swear I did...
More than you think... more than you'll ever imagine...
*P.D. Sé k
a ninguno de uds. les interesa esto... pero tenía k sacarlo (chicle y pega y lo
lee la persona indicada)... prometo no exponer mi lado cursi tan seguido... No
es saludable... además de k no quiero hacer uno de esos "I hate my life kind of

3 comentarios:

Xavysaurio dijo...

en el futuro extrañaras a la que eres hoy, por nada por nadie y por todo, así es esto nunka nos conformamos, a y no comento en ingles por que mi ortografia ya de porsi es mala jojo..

becho y gracias por pasar¡¡¡

an dijo...

ya veeeees kika?? en ke kedamos con esa nostalgia??? jajaja.
kiddo, u kno ur worth soooooo much, & no matter what, i'm here for u if u ever need support, someone to hang out with or just someone to listen (which btw, i kno is a relief for the soul... which is why we're studying what we're studyin... right? LOL) TKM!!

Ishtar dijo...

Si hubieras dicho o hecho todo lo que querías... las cosas hubieran sido muy diferentes? en ti? en la otra persona?...
