Listo!!! Inauguración 21 de octubre 2009

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2007

End of SMILE

(Voy a permitirme escribir este post en inglés...)

Today was our last day together... It was an amazing week. There's too much in my head and heart, and very few words to express it all.

I guess all I can do is thank everyone who made this possible... definitely one of the best experiences in my life. (I don't know if they'll ever get to read this, but I'll do it anyway).

Lulú: You don't speak English so... whatever. Plus, I already thanked you personally.

Carmen: You're amazing... your job is great. It's incredible to see what team work is capable of.

Sonja and Heather: Thanks for letting me know I was usefull. Thanks for nagging me whenever I left the ward... thanks for being so cool.

Jukka (MD's and nurses in general): What you do is a very generous thing, I hope I'll be able to do it myself someday. Thanks for the lesson.

Ms. Reineck: mmm we'll talk later :P (I miss you).

Thanks to everyone else in the team... Saku, Mandy, Dennis, Ingrid... bla bla bla... everyone!!!

It was a priceless experience.


(Queridos lectores no-angloparlantes... en cuanto me sea permitido postearé fotos y demás en español, gracias por su paciencia).

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Muy bonito!

Algunos no-angloparlantes somos anglocomprendedores, ya sabes...


Anónimo dijo...

Hace mucho que no pasaba por aqui... I'm glad you are doing this for the kids... It's really nice.
Glad to be back.

Bada dijo...

I really didn't expect any comments on this entry... but thanks anyway.

renton: jejeje... me alegro.

lmldp: hope you keep comming back.